live music device

mix light

how to update mixlight firmware

(Last avaiable version: ver. 1.4)

  • Check your current firmware version
    • When you turn on the MixLight, a screen with the product logo appears: under the logo is the firmware version currently installed. If the latest firmware version is installed, you do not need to upgrade.
  • Download the firmware
    • To install the updated version of the MixLight firmware, you must download this file.
    • Once downloaded, right-click on the archive and extract the files inside it.
    • Then double-click “MixLight_Setup.exe” to install the program that will allow you to update the MixLight.
  • Update the firmware
    • Once the software is installed, start it and follow the instructions shown to complete the upgrade process.
    • Use the “MixLight.mdz” file to update the Mixlight firmware.

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